Wednesday, September 23, 2020
Friday, September 18, 2020
Tuesday, September 15, 2020
Thursday, September 10, 2020
Fitness Solution
4 Easy Steps for Total Fitness:
Step 1: Detox – Clears toxins which interrupt our cell metabolism and inner body functions.
Step 2 : Regulate – Regulates and mobilizes all disrupted bodily functions to achieve a state of harmony and well being of all systems.
Step 3 : Enhance high metabolism rate – Increase cell metabolic activities to enhance cellular calorie burning capacity and to avoid accumulation of toxins
Step 4 : Nourish – Replenish your body with essential nutrients and vitamins to perform optimally.
A Healthy Package with a good healthy choice of products which are the key component for total fitness. These products are:
DXN MycoVeggie
- Elimination of waste from the digestive tract
- Promotes bowel movement
- Helps to relieve constipation
DXN Spirulina Tablet
- Promotes good health and helps in healing process.
- Rich in nutrients
DXN Bee Pollen
- Increases energy to ensure efficiency in daily activities
- Contains complete nutrients that promote health for everyone
DXN Spirulina Cereal
- Low in fat, high in fibre, rich in nutrients and cholesterol free.
DXN Nutrizhi
- Nutritious drink mixture of soy with malt and added with Ganoderma Mycellium extract & other beneficial nutrients.
DXN Fitness Solution Package makes you:
- Stay Healthy
- Keep Fit &
- Feel Great
Recommended Products:
- RG & GL
- Spirulina
- Bee Pollen
- Spirulina Cereal
- NutriZhi
- Myco Veggie
Immune System
The Immune System
We are exposed to harmful microorganisms everyday, such as bacteria and virus. Many life threatening diseases are caused by pathogenic microorganisms such as pneumonia, dengue, malaria, botulism, AIDS and etc. Harmful microbes can penetrate into our body through inhalation, exposed wound, insects bites, contaminated food and water. How do our body combat of these invaders?In most cases, our body defense system or immune system performs a great job of protecting our body from germs that cause infection and illness. The immune system is composed of a network of special cells, tissues, organs and proteins. Besides, immune system also monitors and defends the presence of any abnormal cells in the body before it develops and leads to cancer.
Disorder of the Immune System
Disorder of the immune system consists of 4 main categories:
- Immunodeficiency Disorders. Defined as the improper function or malfunction of immune system. A person can either born with this disorder (primary immunodeficiency) or acquires the disorder through infection or drugs (secondary immunodeficiency). AIDS is one of the life threatening immunodeficiency disease which caused by infection of a virus called HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus).
- Autoimmune Disorders. Autoimmune disorders defined as the inability of immune system to distinguish between substances that are “self” and those that are foreign. Thus, immune system mistakenly attack and destroy healthy tissues and organs. Examples of this disorder include rheumatoid arthritis, which the joints and surrounding tissues are inflamed.
- Allergy Disorders. Allergic disorders happen when the immune system becomes hypersensitive to the exposures to particular substances through inhalation, ingestion, injection or otherwise contacted. The substances that provoke such reaction are called allergens. Common allergens include pollen, animal fur, feathers, dust, dyes and certain chemical used in cosmetics. Asthma is an allergic disorder of the airway that carries air in and out of your lungs. The wall lining inside the airway becomes sore and swollen. It is sensitive and reacts strongly to allergen.
- Cancer of the Immune System. This can occur when cells of the immune system grow out of control. For example, Leukemia, which involves abnormal growth of white blood cells, is a common childhood cancer.
Wellness Tips For Healthy Immune System
Get enough sleep
Immune system is replenished when we are sleeping. The immune system is suppressed and weakened for those who suffer from insomnia and restless sleep.
Regular and moderate exercises enhance blood circulation, boost immune system and relieve stress. Exercise also helps in promoting a restful sleep at night.
Right dietary habits
“You are what you eat”. Go for wholesome diet. Choose fresh and organically grown fruits and vegetables. They are excellent source of vital minerals and vitamins (vitamins A, C, E, Zinc, Selenium, Magnesium are important in promoting a strong immune function). Immune-boosting food includes kiwi, lemon, broccoli, pumpkin, papaya, cold pressed olive oil, flax seed oil, coconut oil, mushroom and etc.
Minimize intake of processed food
Processed foods such as smoked meat, canned food and drinks, instant noodles, junk food which are typically high in sodium, sugar and contains trans fat draw energy out of our body. These foods which are high in calories but low in nutrients definitely are opponent of a healthy immune function.
Deal with stress wisely
Short term stress prompts the immune system to divert in fighting infection. However, people under chronic stress in long term tend to have elevated cortisol hormone in their blood stream, which leads to suppressed immune system. Thus, we should identify the most suitable way to cope with stress and it is definitely varies among individuals.
Our Recommendations
Aside from practicing the wellness tips above, it is also recommended to include health supplement into your daily diet that is fit and suitable to promote a healthy body defense system:
- RG
- GL
The Digestive System
The Digestive System
“You are what you eat”. The food we consume everyday serves as fuel to generate energy for our daily activities and also as building blocks to repair our body tissues and organs. However, the food we consume must be first broken down into smaller molecule of nutrients that is ready for the body to use.
The process in which ingested food is broken down into a form that can be absorbed and assimilated by the tissues of the body is called digestion. Some of the organs involved in digestion are the mouth, oesophagus, stomach, small and large intestines, gallbladder, pancreas and liver. Digestion includes the mechanical process of chewing, churning and grinding food with our teeth, as well as the chemical action of the digestive enzymes, gastric acid and bile acid.
Disorder of the Digestive System
There are a wide number of digestive system disorders. A few examples are given below:
- Stomach Ulcer. It is an open sore or lesion found on the mucous membrane lining the stomach. The lesion is caused by the damaging effect of pepsin and hydrochloric acid. Several factors involved in the development of stomach ulcer are infection with a bacterium called Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori), smoking, alcohol abuse, emotional stress and usage of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.
- Lactose Intolerance. Lactose intolerance is a condition caused by the lack of an enzyme called lactase. Lactase is secreted in the small intestine where it splits lactose into constituent sugars that can be absorbed by the small intestine. Lactose is a type of sugar found in milk products. Common symptoms, which begin about 30 minutes to two hours after consuming foods or beverages containing lactose, may include nausea, cramps , bloating and diarrhoea.
- Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). IBS is an intestinal disorder defined as recurrent abdominal pain with bloating, painful constipation or diarrhoea which continue for years without causing any permanent harm to the intestine. IBS patient’s colon is more sensitive and reactive than others, causing strong response to even a mild stimulation that might not have effect on others. Emotional stress and anxiety have been identified as triggers for IBS.
- Colon Cancer. Colon cancer is the cancer of the large intestine (colon), which can be found at the lower part of the digestive system. Most cases of colon cancer begin as small, non cancerous clumps of cells called adenomatous polyps. Over long period of time, some of these polyps may become colon cancers. Some signs of colon cancer are change of bowel habits, blood in stool, persistent abdominal discomfort, feeling that bowel does not empty completely and unexplained weight loss.
Wellness Tips For a Healthy Digestive System
Consume a wide variety of vegetables, fruits and whole grains as they are an excellent source of fibre. Getting sufficient fibre helps in many conditions including constipation, haemorrhoids and reduces the risk of colon cancer.
Restrict alcohol intake
Long term heavy drinking of alcohol inflicts a damaging effect to the digestive tract. It is a major cause of gastritis, ulcers, cirrhosis and liver damage.
Restrict carbonated drink
Fizzy drinks introduce extra gas into the digestive system. This causes bloating in the upper digestive tract and abdominal discomfort. Plain water and fruit juices are better options.
Eat on time
Eat on time, chew slowly and properly before swallowing the food for better digestion and nutrient absorption.
Relax and manage your stress
When we are stressed, our digestive muscles become less efficient. Less digestive enzymes are secreted and the passage of food through the digestive tract will be slowed down which leads to constipation, heart burn and flatulence.
Apart from practicing a well balance nutrition intake, take supplements and avoid unhealthy habits such as alcohol abuse and cigarette smoking. All these will definitely give a great helping hand in strengthening your digestive system. A combination of recommended enzymes and fiber supplements are stated below:
- Lion’s Mane
- Myco Veggie
- Cordypine
- Morinzyme