Wednesday, January 22, 2020

10 Network Marketing Business Tips

Top 10 Network Marketing Business Tips
  1. SOLD YOURSELF. The reason you can't recruit well is because you aren't 100% SOLD YOURSELF. That's why the first and most important person to recruit is yourself.
  2. DISCIPLINE. If you could do just one thing this year that would completely transform your business, it's to master your daily routine and DAILY DISCIPLINE 
  3. BE A LEADER. Be the lighthouse, not the thermometer. Stay strong and steady, rather than being up and down all the time. Become the LEADER to serve 
  4. DAILY AFFIRMATION. "I will be the most consistent and dedicated person on my team." Say this daily to yourself and make sure your actions back it up. And this is called AFFIRMATION to get your goal and have your Freedom.
  5. EDUCATION. "The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more confident you become. EDUCATION changes everything.
  6. RESPONSIBILITY. If you want to explode your Business in 2020, you must take 100% RESPONSIBILITY of your life and business. Realize that you are the problem and you are the solution. Until you take 100% responsibility for your life and business success, nothing good will happen. Victims do not become successful. Act like a successful rep and you will become one. Realize that the buck stops with you. Stop blaming others for your lack of results. Look yourself in the mirror and realize that you are the solution to ALL of your problems. You just have to man up or woman up and make the magic happen.
  7. DAILY ACTIVITY. We are an EVENT driven business. Events are the fuel that keeps your business growing. If you want to explode your Business in 2020, I suggest you make the decision to NEVER miss an event. This includes conference calls, webinars, local events, regional events, company convention, Facebook Live etc. Not only should you attend every event, but you want to promote them like your business success depends upon it (it does). Yes, events cost money to attend. That's why you want to plan and budget for them. If money is tight, go retail some products to make some extra money, so you can afford to go.
  8. DAILY ACTION. Daily Action consist of reaching out to 5 new people, following up with 3 people and checking in with 1 team member.
  9. CELEBRATE. Celebrate with people who maintain their rank just as much as you do with the people who rank advance.
  10. BE YOURSELF. Your JOURNEY  is your journey, don’t compare yourself to others. DXN is a journey not a destination.
  11. BONUS: DO DXN CULTURE. Do DXN as your own business. Treat your DXN as your own company.
Start your Journey today.

Mark Tacorda 
Health & Business Consultant
Online Marketing Coach

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