Saturday, January 18, 2020

10 Reasons To Eat Organic & Natural Products

Top 10 Reasons to Eat Organic and Natural Products

01. They are healthy:
Because they are free of toxic residues from chemicals, pesticides, fertilizers or synthetic additives.  They protect the health of the consumer and the farmer.

02. They help maintain the biochemical balance of our body:
Because they do not contain traces of anabolics or hormones.

03. They are more nutritious:
They contain higher proportions of vitamins, proteins, antioxidants, natural sugars and minerals than conventional products.

04. They have better flavor, color and aroma:
Since the methods used in their production are natural and do not alter their nutritional quality, which allows rediscovering the true taste of unaltered foods.

05. Promote the development of fair trade:
Through the support of independent producers who receive a fair payment for their products without the participation of intermediaries.

06. They do not harm ecosystems:
Because they do not use transgenic varieties (which do use pesticides), nor is irradiation of seeds allowed;  instead, they promote the cultivation of Creole varieties, saving them from extinction.

07. Purest water:
By not using dangerous products or large amounts of nitrogen, contamination of drinking water sources is eliminated, taking care of this resource for the future.

08. Fertile soil:
Soil is the foundation of the food chain and the main goal and concern of organic agriculture. We are facing greater erosion and loss of fertile soil due to conventional agricultural practices.

09. More energy:
The procedures used by traditional agriculture consume huge amounts of energy. Organic agriculture is based on the practice of intensive and manual labor.

10. Rescue and promote biodiversity:
Because the production methods used do not generate ecological problems. A social responsibility shared from the producer, to the consumer.

Learn More: 👈

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